Difference between Experience Letters and Relieving Letters

An Experience Letter
A job experience letter is a document that is provided by the employers when his employee is relieved off his duties. A work experience letter is a vital tool that an employee can have for future job hunting. This document can efficiently tell the future potential organizations about the candidate’s efficacy and dexterity. It can demonstrate that the applicant is capable of handling certain sets of responsibilities. Work experience letter also vouches on work related details that the applicant feeds in his CV. It further verifies that the information provided in a CV related to the work history, is authentic.
A job experience letter must contain the following elements:
Name of the employee.
Tenure of service in the company
Designation of the candidate at the time of joining the company, mentioning succeeding changes in designation because of promotion etc., and the final designation at the time of leaving the company
Character and conduct of the candidate during his tenure in the company
Salary at the time of leaving the organization
Reasons behind leaving the job
This certificate is commonly issued in the letter pad of the company and is duly signed by the authorized signatory bodies.

A Relieving Letter
Relieving Letters are, on the other hand, issues by the organizations to the employee who has duly resigned from his designated and is used for a work history proof for future companies. Across the globe, it is not legal to work for two companies at the same time. Hence a relieving letter provides the future employer a reference that the candidate in question has completed al his tasks and efficiently handled his duties and now he is relived and is free to join any other organization. Relieving Letter must be issued by the employers on the same day when you leave the organization. In case you do not get a relieving letter it is assumed that your resignation was not accepted and you still are, a part of the organization, an employee of the company. This indicates that any company would issue a reliving letter only if it accepts your resignation. Relieving letter only mention formally that the applicant has been relieved from his duties to provide a proof to the potential employer that the employee has left his previous company on his own wish and is not working for the two organizations at the same time. It is, hence, a notification also, for the future employers that the resignation of the candidate was accepted and he is relieved form his current roles and responsibilities. Relieving letters thus prevents employee from taking vacations or leaves for trying out another company.
Some of the prominent features of a relieving letter are:
Relieving letters are issued on letterhead of the organization.
Unless particularly told by the employee at the point of resignation, the relieving letters are addressed as To Whomsoever It May Concern.
The beginning of the letter should mention that the resignation put by the employee has been accepted by the organization.
Also mentioned in the resignation letter should be the currently held designation of the employee.
It should also bear the contribution of the employee for the company.
The joining date along with the date of resignation should be included in a resignation letter.
The letter should end with on credit giving statement to the employee for his sincere dedication in addition to further wishes for his future endeavors.
The language in a relieving letter should be simple and professional.