Relevance of an Experience Letter

Relevance of an Experience Letter
Professionally a letter that is a documentation of the work history of an employee is his experience letter issued to him by his past organizations at the time of resignation. Experience letters are relevant when you are trying to change your job and wish to join new one. They detail the information related to your employability like when you joined and left the company, what position you held, what personal qualities you have to meet organizational targets, what skills you possess to attain your personal and professional goals.
While writing an experience letter your skills and attributes should come to their fullest in a positively effective way. The experience letters are a supporting document for your CV and your candidature’s authenticity. It can actually provide all the vital information your potential employer wants to have regarding you. He can easily assess you in the basis of the experience letter which demonstrates all the positive characteristics about you.
Experience Letter Template
Drafting an experience letter is not a rocket science. It is not that complicated. You just need to feed in the details of the basic information of the employee in question so that he can apply for new job. This information will include an employee’s:
Date of joining
Date of resigning
Designation held during employment with the organization
Major duties and responsibilities
Quality of performance delivered
Behavior towards colleagues and seniors
Once you gather all this information, you may easily draft the experience letter. Below given is the template that would give you a basic idea of what an experience letter should look like.